Building a life and a business in country Victoria

I thought I’d tell you a bit about me and how I found myself in Yackandandah, North East Victoria, running a small boutique shop.

Before moving to Yackandandah, I lived on a cattle station in the Kimberley with my husband and four children.

It was empty and vast beyond comprehension – a million acres of rugged landscape – and home to crocs, wild storms, relentless heat and snakes. (So many snakes!)

It’d never been my intention to live in such a remote environment, but I’d met Jed by chance in Darwin while holidaying from my teaching job on the Mornington Peninsula.

Jed’s work in the cattle industry had taken him to the farthest flung parts of the country, where he was managing a research station in the NT.

Long (and potentially cheesy) story short, I decided I needed to move to the literal middle of nowhere because, well…

It was a whole different world; a whole different life up there! Wild and untamed. But I can tell you a bit more about that later.

After 15 years living in the Top End, my oldest was ready for High School and there were no simple schooling options where we were. We (well mostly me - but that’s also a story for another day) decided to move south.

Strangely, several different people recommended the same little mountain town; Yackandandah. It seemed to have everything on my wish-list: mountains, music, culture, community, good schools in close proximity…

And so, in our late 40s, we quit our jobs and stuck our four kids and Dusty our dog in the camper trailer, and drove south. We didn’t have new jobs or a house lined up, but despite a rather stressful first year trying to re-adjust to ‘mainstream life’ once again, it all fell into place and the leap of faith was all worth it!

Starting a shop had always been a dream of mine. I actually began with my website, but soon realised I missed the social interaction of dealing with people face to face.

It was chance that led me to my main street store in little old Yackandandah. I was browsing an antique shop that’s rarely open – a gorgeous heritage-listed little building that oozes character and warmth – and I casually said to the owner, “You’re not thinking of renting this place out anytime soon, are you?”

Low and behold, she was. That’s how Vivienne Cate got her brick and mortar home.

My shop is my great passion. All of my stock – fashion and homewares, cowhides and other luxuries for the home – is handpicked by me. I only buy what I love. I’m drawn to natural fibres - in particular leather and linen, and I love things that are unique, timeless and of beautiful quality.

Did you know that I have a special talent for choosing the absolute best high quality cow hides?

I have some exciting developments in the works that I’ll let you in on soon, but for now I must get back to the shop!


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